Saturday, December 4, 2010

To begin with...

I have given the address of December 21st 2012 to my blog as that has meaning in the Mayan calendar of a great renewal. Some people believe that it is the date that the Mayans believe is the "End of the World". I myself don't believe this to be the case as the Mayan calendar is cyclical in nature, but that particular date does hold great significance in that it is the end of an era and a rebirth to a new world. The purpose of this blog is to look toward making one's self prepared for the transitions of life, whether that be a personal loss or a global catastrophe. I don't know much of anything in this regard so my hope is to document my journey in discovering and learning what all of us can do to prepare us for the future. I will talk about things that I hope will both help and educate you.

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